Empowering the mobile lifestyle!
The NotWired service is the most advanced large-scale groupware,
contact management and messaging solution in the industry.
Build on J2EE, Notwired provides the components and frameworks
to support enterprise development of portals.
Portal Application Frameworks
NotWired supports the enterprise with a comprehensive set of pre-built
portal applications and components. NotWired supports Websphere, Weblogic
and Apache Tomcat application servers.
It jump-starts your development with enterprise-class application security,
business models, and pre-built applications and database definitions.
For more information click here.
Groupware and Sales Automation Frameworks
NotWired provides flexible and extensible solutions for enterprises,
portals, ASPs, web sites and carriers to deliver enterprise-class groupware
solutions. For more information click here.
Jump-start your JSP and Struts UI development with a completely
integrated set of custom tags, Javascript-driven dyanmic validation and
control framework, and advanced screen components. For more information
click here.
Mobile Business Service
NotWired's mobile business service is the most advanced Internet
groupware solution in the marketplace. It is enterprise-class scheduling,
calendars, event management and groupware to help your growing business
organize and manage more effectively. It runs on PCs, Macs, Internet phones
and PDAs. For more information click here.