NotWired Components

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Dynamic Validation Framework
NameValue Tag
Country Tag
State Tag
Zip Tag
Address Tag
Date Selector Tag
Masked Entry Tag
Map Tag
Menu Invoke Tag
Email Tag

Breadcrumbs Tag
Wizard Tag

Calendar Tag
Activities Tag
Announcement Tag


NotWired Dynamic Validation Framework

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closedsq.gif (57 bytes)Features


NotWired's Dynamic Validation Framework allows static and dynamic rules to be built into JSP and web pages. The rules are integrated with Struts validation.xml files to allow external declarative UI rules. Additionally, rules may be dynamically added in your controller model through a RulesBrean. Dynamic rules allow you to enable/disable static rules or add/remove rules based on the state of data to be displayed on the view (i.e. JSP or dynamic template). This framework is more than just validation, it controls enable and disablement and rules on the page based on declarative and dynamic settings.

Click here to see a sample validation feedback.

Basic Features | Advanced Features

../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) Jakarta Commons Integration. The Apache Software Foundation has a excellent XML definition for verifying user input. NotWired extends and integrates QForms, an excellent Javascript validation library, with JSP and Java libraries to provide a very powerful declarative validation using the standard validation.xml definition. Furthermore, additional rules may be declared within the validation.xml file to control dynamic validations and components on a page.

Click here for a sample XML definition.

Conditional Rules
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) DisableOnConditionRule. Disables a set of fields based on a condition. This rule is used on the initial load of a page when no events have occurred to trigger the EnableDisableOnConditionRule. Both rules are used in conjunction. See also DisableRule.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) EnableDisableOnConditionRule. Enables or disables a set of fields based on a condition. Disabled fields automatically disable associated validation and rules. Fields are identified by name that corresponds to the form.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) EnableDisableArrayOnConditionRule. Same as above except this rule acts on fields that are represented as an array. For example, three radio buttons all with the same field name are identified in Javascript as field[0], field[1] and field[2]. The rule controls array fields.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes)

MultipleConditionExpressionRule. Evaluates multiple conditions and executes true or false logic based on a condition. For example, two conditions are available. They are age > 25 and gender is male. A new rule would be defined as such:

if(age > 25 && gender is male) {
   enable a set of screen components;
} else {
   // basic scripting

   disable a set of screen components;
   forward to another JSP;

Developers may setup two conditions and add the rule decoratively in the validation.xml or dynamically in the controller.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) EnableRuleOnConditionRule. Enables a rule based on a condition being met. Set this rule on a field that should trigger other rules based on a changing field state.
Data Entry Validation Rules
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) ABANumberValidationRule. Validates the number entered is a valid ABA. This rule is used in conjunction with a MaskedEntryTag to verify nine (9) digits are entered and the pattern is valid.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) DateValidationRule. Validate the date entered is a valid date. Generally, applying a MaskedEntryTag to a field will make this validation rule redundant.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) EmailAddressValidationRule. Validates if a field entry is a valid email address.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) EmailAddressListValidationRule Validates email address is a comma delimited list.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) DependencyValidationRule. Makes a field required and dependent on the entry of data into another field. For example, a user enters the first line of an address. Using the DependencyValidationRule allows a developer to require city, state and zip fields when some value is entered in the address field.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) MinLengthValidationRule. Sets a minimum data entry length on a field.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) TypeValidationRule. Enforces type checking on a data entry field. For example, numeric, alpha, alphanumeric, decimal, etc.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) ExpressionValidationRule. Evaluates a general Javascript expression against a field value. If the expression fails, the validation fails.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) RegExpValidationRule. Evaluates a regular expression against a field. If the regular expression fails, the validation fails.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) GreaterThanOrEqualToValidationRule. Checks to see if a field is greater than or equal in value to some limit.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) LessThanOrEqualToValidationRule. Checks to see if a field is less than or equal to some limit.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) FixedSizeValidationRule. Checks to see if a field is a set fixed size.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) RangeValidationRule. Checks to make sure field is in a range.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) SameValueValidationRule. Checks to make sure one field value is a the same value as another field value.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) URLValidationRule. Checks to make sure a field is a valid URL.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) SelectionToFieldBindingValidationRule. Enforces a validation of a target field based on the selected value in a selection list.
Field Control Rules
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) DisableRule. Disables a field on the page when page is loaded. This rule is generally applied dynamically based on the state of data when entering a page.
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) FieldDescriptionRule. Sets the description information on the field. Utilizing this action will override settings from the validation.xml <msg/> tag.
Supporting Structures
../images/bullet.gif (93 bytes) FieldCondition. A condition will generate javascirpt that will be evaluated by other rules during screen rendering and validation.